Loving Your Lips & Lashes

We understand that everyone is uniquely different and so are everyone’s eyelashes and lips, therefore each client gets special attention for a custom creation.


Lash Extensions: Eyelash extensions are used to enhance the length, curliness, fullness, and thickness of natural eyelashes.

Lash extension refill: Your technician will fill in any gaps from lash extension fallout. Refills can be done up to three weeks from the initial application, any refill request beyond a three week period will be considered a full set and charge at full set price. Refill prices are subject to change per lash extension loss.

Eyeliner: Your eyes are the first thing we see when we look at someone. Eyeliner improves the definition and shape of eyes; it can lift, brighten and open our eyes. Applying and maintain liner for many women can be a struggle and a chore. Whether you prefer a subtle clean look, a soft blended line or a bold and polished appearance you can have your liner done and in place every day.

Full Lip Treatment: A full lip treatment can change the shape, color and definition of your entire lip, without the need for surgery. Add a natural flush, correct unevenness and add depth. Give yourself fuller looking lips and lovely all over color everyday.

Lip Liner: Lips are such an alluring element of our faces. For some, just a natural enhancement to your color may be all that is needed. For others, correcting uneven shape or reviving a youthful shape and color can be done. Add dimension to your lips and minimize your makeup routine.

Color Refresh: Refresh your permanent makeup and keep it looking its best. Recommended every 1-3 years. Must be on a service performed previously by InkCredible Outcomes. One session included.

Preparing for your session

It is advised to shower and shampoo your hair prior to your appointment to avoid having to do so right afterwards.  Some clients with medical conditions may need to consult with their doctors prior to their procedures for clearance and/or pre-medication.


Eye Lash Extensions

Classic Set: $155

Classic Refill: $60

Hybrid Set: $175

Hybrid Refill: $80

Volume Set: $205

Volume Refill: $100

Cosmetic Makeup

Eyeliner: $450

Full Lip Treatment: $600

Lip Liner: $500

Color Refresh: $150

