What is Microblading?

Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic procedure that uses a specialized, hand-controlled tool to make fine cuts in the skin to implant pigment that resembles the appearance of natural eyebrow hair. It is ideal for filling in sparse areas of the natural eyebrow where hair isn’t present, and also defining and enhancing brow shape.

Individual selections made just for you 

Each microblading stroke is applied individually, allowing the technician to control the shape, color and density of the completed eyebrows.

The treatment begins with mapping the desired shape by taking measurements that are unique to each individual, then using individual tattoo strokes or 'feathers' in the area to complete the shape and style requested. The color choice is patient-specific and is mixed using a natural selection of micropigments to complement hair color and skin tone to give the best look

Microblading and Eyebrow Rates

Microblading: $350 - $500 

Microblading touch-up: $150 (recommended 4-6 weeks) 

Ombre: $350 

Powered Shading: $350

Microblading with Ombre or Powder Shading: $600

This service requires a consultation. Please call (717) 205-7187 to speak with our staff about a convenient time to talk.

Microblading & Eyebrow Results

View some before and after pictures of our satisfied clients.

Microblade Gallery

Pre-procedure Instructions

Avoid tweezing, waxing, electrolysis and coloring your brows for two weeks prior to the procedure. This will allow your technician the most flexibility to achieve optimal results. Please be aware that we will remove your foundation and concealer to determine your true undertones—this is vital for us to choose the right color. We offer several different options of eyebrow pigmentation. (Microblading vs. traditional micropigmentation). We offer hair strokes, hair strokes with shading and fully shaded brows. 
  • No alcohol 24 hours prior to procedure.
  • Avoid sun and tanning one week prior to procedure.
  • Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Advil/Ibuprofen 24 hours before procedure.
  • Discontinue Glycolics, Chemical Peels and Retin-A 4 weeks prior. 
  • Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products close to the eyebrow area two weeks prior to and two weeks after your procedure. Check your moisturizer, face wash, BB or CC creams and makeup primers for anything that including ‘acid’.
  • No brow waxing or tinting one week prior.
  • You must to be off any kind of Accutane for one year. No exceptions!
  • No Latisse on brows (Lash hair growing serum): Discontinue for minimum of three weeks.
Please Note: You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle as well.

Your specialist will discuss the best options for you depending on your skin type, lifestyle, desired results and desired maintenance.

Post Procedure Instructions

In all cases, a follow-up appointment is recommended approximately six-to-eight weeks after your initial application to fine-tune and ensure best results.
  • Beginning 48 hours after your procedure, apply a very thin coat of Aquaphor ointment to the area twice a day for three to four days (or until all scabbing/crust has come off) after cleansing with mild soap or baby shampoo. 
  • When the area starts to flake, leave it. Do not pick, peel or pull on the skin. 
  • Avoid sweating such as from vigorous exercise for one week.
  •  For at least one week post procedure, or until healing is complete (whichever is longer):
    • Keep your hands clean and avoid touching the affected area(s). 
    • Do not scrub or pick treated areas. 
    • Do not use peroxide or Neosporin on treated areas. 
    • Do not expose area to direct sun or to tanning beds.
    • Avoid exposing the area excessive moisture or humidity, such as: facials, swimming, whirlpools (hot tubs), saunas, steam rooms and steamy showers. 
  • Avoid Retin-A, moisturizers, glycolic acids, exfoliants and anti-aging products at all times (not just during healing) on all micropigmented areas. These can cause pigments to fade and lighten prematurely. 
  • Pigments will slowly fade over time according to one’s metabolism, skin type, sun exposure, medication, facial surgery, and smoking. Schedule maintenance visits as needed to maintain fresh appearance.
  • Periodic touch-ups will ensure longer lasting results.

Reshaping and restoring the natural you

How could you benefit from cosmetic tattooing? We're here to discuss your options in a clean, safe and spa-like environment.